Sunday, June 8, 2008

Another Update

All -

We heard some comments that we had not been updating this enough, so here is our current status :)

We finished our home study and it is all approved and blessed. We also finished our profile and dear birth mother files. They are at the printer right now and should be back tomorrow. Here is a copy of the dear birth mother letter if you are curious. (Also, feel free and share with anyone you think might be looking into adoption.)

Our next steps are to complete the MAPP class on Tuesday and finalize with the state and with with our agency. That should take a few more weeks tops then we will officially be on the waiting list. As we have shared with you all, that wait could be weeks, months or years. Your prayers for a short wait and successful match are appreciated.

That's it for now. Hopefully we will have more news soon. :)


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